Treetops Trainbearer
, KC 99382/60, WT 01.01.2001
Treetops Hot Toddy
KC 109860/58
WT ?
Treetops Walkie Talkie
, schwarz
Treetops Trader
, schwarz
Treetops Foxbar Cognac
, schwarz
Treetops Trillion
, schwarz
Treetops Tiller Girl
, rot
Treetops Taxpayer
, rot
Dry Tinder
, schwarz
Treetops Teddy Girl
, rot
Treetops Teddy Boy
, golden
Crinoline of Spoonhill
, blauschimmel
Crinoline of Spoonhill
, blauschimmel
Treetops Treasure Twig
, rot
Treetops Foxbar Cognac
, schwarz
Lovely Golden Sunset
, rot
Treetops Tulita
WT 01.01.2001
Treetops Truson
Treetops Truce
, rot
Treetops Tyrian
, rot
Treetops Tendril
, rot
Treetops Tristina
Buryhill Wild Goose
, schwarz
Treetops Truce
, rot
Treetops Tyrian
, rot
Treetops Tendril
, rot
Buryhill Pintail
, schwarz
Sixshot Willy Wagtail
, rot
Buryhill Alyssum
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