Löwe vom Eichenhain
, SpZB 0271/42, WT ?, rot
Bonanza's Waldo
SpZB 0021/41
WT ?
PRA + Katarakt vorl. frei
Wagtails Robert
, rot
Machars Touchstone
, rot
Machars Robert
Beauty of Lightwater
Woodcock Beechleaf
, rot
Woodcock Ebony
Woodcock Low Wind
, rot
The Red's Ariadne
, rot
Horseshoe Philomel
, rot
Horseshoe Peregrine
, rot
Ottershaw Pimpernel
, rot
Gay Girl of Dedham
, rot
Waldiff Copper
, rot
Waldiff Geranium
, rot
Cornelia im Wolfsbruch
SpZB 0292/41
WT 38.04.0900
PRA + Katarakt vorl. frei
Bobby vom Schüdderfeld
, rot
Wagtails Robert
, rot
Machars Touchstone
, rot
Woodcock Beechleaf
, rot
Sunlight of Stonyway
, rot
Boss of Sorrelsun
, rot
Gay Reflection
Tynefield Alice
, rot
Garnes Copper Plate
, rot
Ottershaw Bingo
, schwarz
Ottershaw Goldflake
Tynefield Glam
Tynefield Bogey
Tynefield Tiney
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